ASCA News Digest

Published January 17, 2024



Which accrediting organization is the best fit for your facility and how do you ensure you’re prepared for a survey? Find out during the Getting to Know the ASC Accrediting Organizations virtual course, where you’ll hear directly from representatives from each ASC accrediting organization.

This course streams live during the afternoons of February 5–8. Each day, one accrediting organization will provide a deep dive into its organization, survey process and standards. You can attend all four days or just join the sessions with the accrediting organizations you are most interested in. Register now!

Please note: This virtual course is being offered in place of the accrediting organization pre-conference workshops at the ASCA 2024 Conference & Expo.
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Make plans to attend the ASCA 2024 Conference & Expo, taking place April 17–20 in Orlando, Florida. This year’s conference features a slew of exciting new features as well as returning favorites.

Restructured conference rates mean registration costs are reduced by up to 40 percent!

This new pricing model features the lowest registration rates ASCA has offered in years. It will help you save money and make attending ASCA 2024 more accessible than ever before. Register today!
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6 Ways ASCs Lose Money Due to Disconnected Software

Rising expenses and a challenging reimbursement environment create significant financial pressure on surgery centers. It is crucial for ASCs to proactively address these avoidable issues that diminish their earnings.
Are you interested in being a mentor or mentee in the spring virtual class of the 2024-2025 ASC Administrator Development Program? Submit your application today!

This yearlong mentoring program matches newer and aspiring administrators with their more experienced peers. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, January 31, and applicants will be notified if they are accepted by February 15.
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Are you an administrator looking for tips and benchmarks to build your playbook? Check out the ASC State of the Industry Report!

45+ chapters of industry research including 125+ data-backed benchmarks helping admins optimize ASC operations using best practices, operational insights, and more.

Read the full report.
The data submission period for the fourth quarter (Q4) of ASCA’s 2023 Clinical & Operational Benchmarking Survey will close Wednesday, January 31. Subscribers should make sure to submit their data by the deadline in order to get a complete picture of trends for last year.

Is your ASC on track for success in the new year? Make 2024 your facility’s best year yet by subscribing to ASCA’s 2024 Clinical & Operational Benchmarking Survey.
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Ultimate List of Training Requirements for ASCs

MedTrainer’s compliance experts meticulously identified the required training that ASCs need to meet federal requirements and AORN guidelines. We’ve broken it down by role to make it even easier.
Read this Digital Debut to learn more about the challenges and opportunities ASCs will face in the new year. According to various industry sources, these obstacles include expense concerns, increased wages, stipends and more.
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Reveal the hidden areas of instruments with the TOSI® washer test

Reveal the hidden areas of instruments with the TOSI® washer test, the easy-to-use blood soil device that directly correlates to the cleaning challenge of surgical instruments. TOSI® is the first device to provide a consistent, repeatable, and reliable method for evaluating the cleaning effectiveness of the automated instrument washer.
Last week, ASCA staff met with US Senate staff to discuss the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act (H.R. 5378). After passing the US House of Representatives in December, ASCA staff met with the offices of Senators Mike Braun (R-IN) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) as well as staff from the Senate Committees on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions and Finance.
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Though the COVID-19 pandemic brought heightened attention to nurses overall, a unique nursing role has been long overlooked and, for the public, largely misunderstood: that of the nurse manager. Like nurses in other roles, nurse managers are increasingly leaving their jobs — and it’s critically important for organizations to find ways to keep them.
STAT News (01/12/24) Toby Bressler; Lauren Ghazal
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Amid growing cybersecurity threats to health care facilities, federal officials and health systems are turning their attention to potential vulnerabilities hiding in plain sight in hospital rooms, imaging centers and even patients' homes: medical devices. Hackers have especially targeted health systems for their valuable troves of patient data and in some cases have temporarily knocked systems offline, disrupting patient care.
Axios (01/04/24) Tina Reed
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Congress should raise Medicare payments for doctors and hospitals and give additional pay increases to safety-net providers next year, independent advisers to Congress recommended Thursday. The recommendations from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission come as doctors urge Congress to reverse a 3.4% cut to their 2024 Medicare rates, which they say will make it harder to practice medicine.
Axios (01/12/24) Maya Goldman
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Kelley Blair joined nimble solutions of St. Louis, Missouri, as the company's chief executive officer (CEO) and became a member of the board, according to a release. Nader Samii, who had been the CEO of nimble for the past 14 years, transitioned to the role of executive chairman of the board.
ASC Focus (01/16/24)
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U.S. Senator Mike Braun and Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee Bernie Sanders with Senator Chuck Grassley, Senator Tina Smith, and Senator John Hickenlooper have introduced a major bill to reveal healthcare prices for Americans: the Health Care PRICE Transparency Act 2.0. When Americans go to the hospital, they often don't know what services will cost before they pay them. (01/11/24) Terri Box
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In this cross-sectional study of 3024 physicians, the number of vacation days taken and performing patient-related work while on vacation were associated with physician burnout. System-level efforts to ensure physicians take adequate vacation and have coverage for clinical responsibilities, including EHR inbox, may reduce physician burnout.
JAMA Network Open (01/12/24) Christine A. Sinsky; Mickey T. Trockel; Lotte N. Dyrbye; et al.
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Mission: The Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASCA) is the national membership association that represents ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) and provides advocacy and resources to assist ASCs in delivering high-quality, cost-effective ambulatory surgery to all the patients they serve.

About Us: At ASCA, we are eager to help you become better acquainted with our nation's ASCs and the people who own and operate them. We are also eager to help you develop policies on ASC-related issues. If you have questions, please contact us. We'll put you in touch with the experts and, if you like, arrange for you to visit an ASC in your area.

Contact Us: Advertising inquiries should be addressed to Chris Schriever or Alex Yewdell at 202.337.1897 or at

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